Claire Holmes

I was lucky enough to complete my Bronze and Silver Award at school in Alton, Hampshire but hadn't managed to start my Gold Award before I left school.
In my early 20s I realised that it was a huge opportunity to be able to carry this on and so independently set about undertaking the various aspects of the Gold award with the support of my local DoE organiser, Tony Cross.
I managed to find a group of 16 year olds from Taunton School that were happy to let me join them on their Gold Expedition on Dartmoor and so, in August 1991, at the ripe old age of 25 I completed the expedition. I was 9 years older than the girls, but they were absolutely lovely and were very welcoming. I've attached a photo of our group (along with our assessor, Des Sparks).
During my time completing the awards, I've learnt to tap dance (attempting to break the world record for the most number of tap dancers together at one time - sadly not breaking the record but having an incredible experience), I've learnt how to work with clay, organised an 'antique valuation day' raising money for Imperial Cancer Research , worked in charity shops to name just a few things. It has been the most incredible experience and when I think back all these years I am SO happy that I took part in the DofE Award and would hope that it continues for years to come.