Claire Dixon

I completed all 3 levels of the award through school and open DOFE groups. I learnt so muc about myself but also valuable skills which have allowed me to be a physiotherapist. I learnt to draw, DJ, and look after animals as well as navigating and learning to look after myself.
My DOFE experience set me up for moving to university. I found the DOFE award something where I fitted in. It didn't matter that to struggled read what mattered is we worked as a team to achieve the same gold.
The expedition sections are my award are always a highlight. On my bronze practice we went missing for 6 hours. We didn't go through the check points and our school staff were worried and had people out of quad bikes and driving around looking for us.
We were sat at the end point proud of ourselves that we navigated our way there until our teacher arrived and explained we hadn't followed the route at all.
In my qualifing bronze it rained for the entire weekend and we learnt quickly how important it was to work together to get our tents up and cook our meals.
My silver was the opposite. It was so sunny we struggled with the heat and we had a water fight with the staff once we got to the end point.
For my gold we were in the Brecon Beacons and had to sleep in a lambing barn as the field was flood due to the river brusting it banks. We were soaked through but used our maps to make a carpet and cookers for heaters. We had to adapt our tents as we couldn't peg them in.
While doing the award I did question why I was doing it. It wasn't easy and took alot of perseverance, self believe and team work. Looking back I am really proud of what I and the teams I was part of achieved.
I went on to run the bronze award for a group of young people before moving to university.
The award is something I always talk about at job interviews and I also get a huge smile talking about my experience of it.
HRH Prince Philip has truly had an impact on my life through this award.