Christopher Timothy Bailey

Prince Philipos and the German educationist Kurt Hahn's “do-it-yourself kit in the art of civilised living” has added incalculable quantities of life character, physical and cognitive energies, as well as confident, caring and voluntary giving to over 4 million folk in more than 140 countries. Or, as the amazing Prince might have put it, 'staying off your arse and getting on with it'

I was lucky in my early teens. Coming from a rough and tumble Council estate in Rotherham, my school (Old Hall Comp) was, in the early 70's, a front-runner in delivering the complete B,S&G DofE programmes. All praise to those inspirational teachers, Tony Taylor et al, who were as committed to outdoor experiential learning as they were to the classroom.

They, the Prince and Kurt Hahn gifted me - and continue to give me - the added zip and zest of personal confidences, both intellectually and physically to confidently evolve into who I remain to be to this day.

In the 70's, kids' from Rotherham council estates were given 2 lifestyle opportunities - the steelworks or the pit.
I wanted 'nowt of that', ta muchly. The Prince and the DofE Gold inspired and helped inspire this cheeky little bugger to pupate into a bigger thinker, a world picture seeker who evolved pretty large and powerful wings.

Today, without sounding like a ridiculous tall poppy, I have 3 Universities under my belt, am a bashful multi-award winning urban designer, artist, university and school guest lecturer, an adult education volunteer teacher and outdoor fanatic.

After years travelling and living in various parts of the globe I'm now based here in Taupo Aeotearoa (NZ) surrounded by active volcanoes. I'm super happy, and confident.

Without the Prince, I'm not sure any of this would have happened.

I met him several times after he presented me with Gold at Buck House at just 17. He said he remembered me, as I had 2 black eyes, ignored protocol and talked a lot when we first met.