Chris Rich

I did DofE Bronze and Silver, while in air cadets in mid 90s. For the physical activity, all my group, chose to do swimming, not being able to swim very well, I chose athletics, but because I wasn't doing the training through a recognised club, my period of physical activity was doubled and had to show improvement.
I completed my task over a 12 week period. Once I had completed the task, I continued to train as I had been, the following season I was selected to compete at high level in track and cross country events, representing Wales and Air Cadets (against Army and Sea Cadets) and County level for North Wales schools.
As the skills element, I did photography course and spent some time working with a local journalist/photographer, during that time a fair few of my shots were used for news articles.
For expeditiation element, we were a mixed group of bronze silver and gold and we all undertook and completed the gold standard expedition in a very wet and damp Snowdonia.
These experiance have stayed with me, through my adult life and have helped with Job applications, as it demonstrates self motivation and determination.
These are skills that I've passed onto my children and my son is now involved with DofE bronze award.
More recently, as a rugby coach, I have been able to mentor and assess one of our junior players, who was working towards his silver award.