
Received my Gold Award in the early 80s For a shy child it was perfect, so flexible I could have a go then try something else if not appropriate. My expedition group all female wanted to complete a 50 mile trek on Exmoor like the boys. Girls were limited to 25 miles at the time. I believe we were the first group to achieve this, special permission being granted-maybe from the Duke himself! The scheme gave me the confidence to believe in myself and aim high. It gave me new experiences and new friends. I developed a lifelong interest in hiking - I still have my original walking boots and karrimor rucksack. I received the Gold Award at at James Palace from the Duke and he actually spoke to me asking me which was my favourite activity - the completion of the 50 miles of course! I hope the award scheme continues to develop as I know it already has to suit changing times. Maybe a specific conservation/environmental part should be added as a fitting memorial to a wonderful man.