Charlotte Pether

The DofE was always a part of school life which I wanted to get involved in and I was determind to complete my Gold - which I did. The motivaiton it gave me to improve in activities I was already doing as well as encouraging me to try something different was great. It also gave me the opportuinity to go on challenging expeditions involving camping, an experience which my family was not keen on. Being the only girl in a group of six for my Assessed Gold Expedition was truly the epitomy of the Award. There were interesting and outrageous conversations and the one-off hiding in the toilets to have a cry but ultimately one of the most enjoyable weeks of my school life. Partaking in all levels of the Award have put me in good stead for my future, something which the late Duke aimed for, and for that I am very grateful.

Having the opportunity to go the Palace of Holyrood House meant taking my Grandma in addition to my mum. We had a fabulous day and am so happy that we were able to experience this achievement together.