Charlotte Cowan

Through the DofE award I have had the opportunity to try skills and experiences that I never would have otherwise. I have volunteered with Riding for the Disabled, achieved my Young Firefighters course and learned to play tennis in the course of gaining my Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. I also took part in the Diamond DofE challenge, where I accepted cooking challenges from my friends and family and then asked them to donate what they thought the meal was worth to the DofE. I learned how to make a Christmas cake, Viennese truffles, samosas and vegetarian curry from scratch. Getting my Gold DofE award was a fantastic achievement that I look back on with pride. I was able to complete my expeditions with great friends, and the award gave me confidence that I have maintained to this day. I now volunteer as a DofE leader to help the next generation of young adults gain their award and get as much from the award as I did.
I think the Duke of Edinburgh was responsible for helping many young people realise that they can push their boundaries and their abilities in a positive direction whilst still enjoying themselves. It is a truly great legacy that he leaves to the young people of tomorrow.