Charlotte Claridge-Ingham

I completed the bronze, silver and gold awards whilst in high school and sixth form and the experiences and skills achieved have helped shape the person I am today. I learnt so many skills, ranging from how to polish and take care of my walking boots (kindly demonstrated to me by my Grandad) to cooking a meal on a Trangia. The whole experience has shown me life skills such as how to push myself, work as a team and continue going even when things are hard and haven't gone to plan. My most memorable experience was having to be rescued on our Gold Expedition Wild Camp due to sudden and extreme weather conditions flooding our camp. My team and I had to work together to contact the appropriate services, make new plans and stay safe whilst keeping each other calm. These skills I have already used several times in my adult life and career. A high point was going to St James' Palace in London to receive my award alongside some friends. I chose to take my Grandad who supported me throughout the award and it was such a special day that I will remember forever, and definitely makes all the challenging moments worth it. I really value the opportunity to complete the awards and the skills have shaped me as a person. I would encourage any young person debating applying for/completing the award to go for it!