Charles Drax

DofE Silver Qualifying Expeditions
(Walking) Lake District
26-28 June 2015

Two three day DofE silver expeditions took place over the weekend. Eleven canoeists paddled down the River Tweed from Peebles to Berwick-upon-Tweed, while five walkers clambered over Cumbrian mountains near Keswick. I helped to supervise the walkers.
I have never experienced wet and windy weather conditions like those on Saturday night while camped at 2000 feet next to Sprinkling Tarn overlooked by Great End. The five boys were tired, edgy and cold the following morning as they set off with their sodden heavy backpacks, having had little sleep and no breakfast because of the extreme conditions*. The DofE leader and the mountain leader said not once did anyone complain as they battled their way down, even when one boy needed help carrying his kit, or when they had to negotiate swollen becks that crossed the footpath.
The sun had come out by the time they reached Langstrath Beck, so they spread their wet kit out on the grass and cooked a long overdue brunch on their trangias.
* The enclosed picture was taken on Sunday morning just before they set off during a final briefing in torrential rain. It catches that unforgettable moment of the team talk that raises spirits when all hell breaks loose.