Ceri Gray (formally Bartram)

Many happy memories doing bronze, silver & gold awards. Learned a lot about what I could achieve. Visited parts of the countryside I would never have gone to otherwise & went pot holing amongst many new adventures. Had a few not so fabulous moments - never been so wet / muddy in my life (Scotland in the summer ?) & passing through a field of cows deciding the one with horns was probably a bull !!!
Best D of E leader anyone could ask for in Tony, supported by his amazing wife Angela.
Fabulous day at St James Palace collecting my Gold Award with my sister who had waited patiently so Mum & Dad could come together to see us both presented with our certificates.
Privileged to become a Gold Award Guide for presentations at both Palaces for many years, making new friends & meeting great supporters.
Both my kids have their bronze award.
R.I.P Prince Phillip - fabulous scheme, thanks for the wonderful memories.