Caroline Davis

I was lucky enough to be given a chance to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award through school. It pushed me to take part in activities which i would never had done and form friendships which would last for many years. I achieved the Bronze Award in 1983 and was hooked . I was determined that I would reach the Gold Award and meet the Duke of Edinburgh. I gained more and more confidence and leadership skills which has been invaluable to more career as a pharmacist. The best memories were made on the expeditions working with a team of like minded people. A particular challenge was finding our way across Dartmoor in the fog with only a map and compass to help. We were never put off and that resilience has stayed with me to this day. I have never been so proud as to be presented with my Gold Award in 1987 by The Duke of Edinburgh at St James' Palace.
My son and daughter both started their Duke of Edinburgh's Award journey through Scouts and were driven in the same way to reach their Gold Award. As they both completed at the same time both myself and my husband were able to attend an award presentation in 2019 with Prince Edward at Buckingham Palace, something that was an unbelievably proud and emotional day.