Carol King

Whilst in the British Red Cross in Buckinghamshire I undertook my Bronze/Silver and Gold DofE awards. I was so lucky to have learned so many different skills, including playing snooker, writing children's short stories, flower arranging, canooing and helping out at the Chiltern Cheshire Home in Gerrard Cross where I was living. I was very honoured to be invited to the British Red Cross Headquarters in London to then travel onwards to Buckingham Palace, in July 1978. I was undertaking my nurse training at this time at the London Hospital but was able to take the day off and receive my Gold Award, accompanied by my mother and the Head of the Red Cross in Buckinghamshire. I officially met the Duke of Edinburgh who specifically commented on my Red Cross Uniform.
The expeditions we undertook during the Bronze Silver and Gold awards afforded us the opportunity to make lifelong friends, accomplish things we really never thought we would and I very much treasure this opportunity to this day. It was often a point of interest in any interviews I undertook along the way. I'm pleased to say that my Son also undertook his DofE award (Bronze) during a period of time whilst in the ATC. I can't thank the Duke of Edinburgh enough for the opportunities this scheme afforded me and it is an abiding memory of achievement and fun. We also had the opportunity to help at a disabled children's holiday (chance for their parents to have a break) - so worthwhile and never forgotten. This all added up to some of the happiest days of my younger years. Thank you Sir. RIP