Carol Hamilton

I completed my Gold DofE way back in 1990! I still have very happy memories of the expeditions - some of the best times and laughs were had. From walking along singing at the tops of our voices, to getting sunburnt shoulders and using 'sponges' to cushion our rucksack straps which turned into comfy footwear at night! Real lifelong friendships were formed and we still talk about our memories to this day.

Additionally, the volunteering instilled in me the importance of offering my time to others when able. I still volunteer in various different fields, the importance and love of which was cultured during my teenage years doing my DofE awards.

I also vividly remember attending the garden party at Holyrood Palace to receive my award. The time taken to find a suitable outfit, including hat and gloves, was quite something!

Great memories - thank you HRH Prince Philip for your foresight.