Carl Hinks
Having been involved with the Scouts, Air Training Core and now a DofE centre in a secondary school environment. I have had so many great memories of being involved in activities, supporting teenagers bettering themselves and learning something new. Seeing them learn new skills in the outdoors, must be the highlight. When students get to a check point and you see that proud expression that they did it is truly rewarding. See a bunch of students wild camp out under the stars and the realisation that they can actually do this. More recently my colleagues and I got involved in the Diamond Challenge to help celebrate 60 years of the award. For us adults it was a truly epic adventure that took us to the Isle of Sky and the Cuillin ridge. Our school got behind the challenge and it went on to inspire the next generation of students doing the award at our centre. It is for these reasons we continue to carry the virtues of DofE for HRH Prince Philip. You have given us so much and we will continue it for your. Thanks for the memories and inspiration, time to rest now. - Job done.