Carina Olariu

My DofE journey was, simply put, unforgettable. During my Bronze Award, I volunteered in my school library. I sorted books with one of my friends, and we had a great time. We helped younger students and became friends with our Librarian. My Physical activity was participating in my school's basketball club. I developed my teamwork skills and, while I may not be the best at basketball, I definitely had a lot of fun. My Skills activity was attending my school's art club for 6 months - and because I love art, those months flew by! The practice expedition was a new experience for me, as I had never been on an expedition before, and hadn't slept in a tent in years! During the real expedition, our group had some disagreements, but we overcame them and built our relationship. I enjoyed the expeditions - they were the most fun part of my DofE!
Unfortunately, my Silver Award was slowed down by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, I did my Physical and Skills activities for the same basketball and art clubs, and I did about 4 months of volunteering for my local Brownie group. I'm not sure what will happen with the expedition; I hope it will go ahead at some point during the school year.
My friends and I have great memories of our time working towards our Bronze and Silver Awards. If you are considering doing DofE, I think you absolutely should. It's amazing!