Caitlin Bagnall

I have completed my bronze and started my Gold DofE. I had an amazing experience, it helped me to develop my confidence and made me more resilient. We always had a good laugh whilst helping other people when volunteering and we were able to explore whilst on the expedition learning how to develop our resilience when struggling with the long days and sometimes we went wrong by taking a wrong turn and we had to correct ourselves but it taught us to never give up because you will get to where you need to be if you keep trying and never giving up. It encouraged me to help mentor younger student during my Gold award teaching them what I know about drama and communication that I learnt using the confidence that I gained during my bronze award. The one thing that always made my group laugh was our assessor in Bronze would be no where to see when walking along so we always assumed we wouldn’t see him for a while and then as we were walking talking and checking the map and compass he would randomly appear out of the bushes or trees and he just seemed to randomly appear. We made a mistake out bronze took a wrong trail that was very similar to the one we should have been on that lead us to a different place that was not where we wanted to be that was a 5 or 6 kilometres off track and he just appeared out of nowhere and we were all so confused on how he was there because we shouldn’t have been but he was impressed that we were able to get to a place we recognised on the map and work out a new route to get back on track. I would not be where I am today without the DofE award