Cai Armstrong

From representing my country, to volunteering at an an International competition, to getting lost more than once during my bronze award is history in itself, eating everyone’s food on camp, a trip to the Canadian lakes are only a few highlights that have created bonds of friendship. Attending the Dukes final award ceremony in Edinburgh, the pride in my fathers face, the Duke asking me about “the black bugs that bite” in Canada, a memory he had from his trips and being told to move on as he we had chatted for a couple of minutes and he was on a schedule! I’m so glad I did all 3 awards it felt hard at the time, but it has made me determined to work hard, to travel, experience everything, encourage others (my sis is finishing her gold!)be respectful, and treat others how you wish to be treated. I am so grateful to the scheme, volunteers, ethos and above all the man himself. There is and always will be 1 Duke of Edinburgh. Thank you!