Bronagh Fulham

I started my DofE journey by doing my silver award in 2019. This allowed me to meet people I otherwise would have never met and make some good friends. Through my volunteering section, I was a young leader at my cub group and I have now become an assistant leader. Without the DofE I would have never had the confidence or leadership skills to do this. During our silver expedition it rained the whole time and my tent even leaked, despite this we spent our days walking while having a laugh and singing songs. I would say this to be the best trip I have ever been on despite the horrible weather conditions because I had my group with me and together we made the best of the situation. I am now doing my gold award and I’m so excited for the rest of my DofE journey. Without the DofE I would not be the confident, independent individual who can lead groups and give back to my community and for that I am truly grateful