Brett Waring

A Family Affair

Our family affair with the DofE started 25 years ago. On completing 6 years service with the Royal Marines I was some how persuaded and enticed to 'Go for a Yomp' in the Dark Peak with my previous Royal Marines recruiter who was a Chief Petty Officer for the Royal Navy at our local Stoke Office. This time the 'Yomp' in fact turned out to be a walk with young people, acting as a DofE leader on a Gold expedition. I was in unknown territory and never did DofE at school as I had never had the opportunity, so I really didn't know what to expect.
Fast forward 25 years and I find myself reflecting on how the DofE has become a huge part of our family. My first experience of working with young people
and the DofE was inspirational and life affirming. I quickly realized that sharing my knowledge and experience of the great outdoors, whilst volunteering for the younger generation was extremely rewarding. I enjoyed the physical challenge and responsibility to lead and supervise during their Gold expedition. Part of me found the experience similar to the teamwork and camaraderie I was used to in the Marines. I had found my niche in civilian life. I was then to find out about 'the magic of the DofE'. I applied to become a Firefighter, at my board interview they didn't want to hear my war stories. They wanted to know about my volunteering with the DofE, the magic worked, I got the job. After 17 years in the Fire and Rescue Service and many years leading and assessing young groups I was to see the 'DofE Effect'. My wife started teaching and became a DofE Leader/Manager for 15 years. My daughter completed her Bronze and Silver and my son at 23 still preserves with his Gold, with his Bronze and Silver under his belt. With a Masters Degree in Ancient History and teacher training to come, he is inspired to become a DofE Leader.
I can not thank the DofE enough for a lifetime of opportunity for my family.
Thank you to HRH The Duke of Edinburgh.
Rest in Peace