Brenda Pilley

It was a pleasure and a privilege to meet and chat to The Duke when he visited Old Hall School in Rotherham in 1965. My friends and myself (middle) had been planting grass on slag heaps near Manchester as part of The Gulbenkien Fund and Prince Philip was particularly interested and asked us lots of questions. We had a mock up of the process behind us.
Another highlight was damming up the River Eden near Peterlee in County Durham. We were on Tyne Tees TV
There were a miriad of other activities we enjoyed led by Tony Taylor MBE.

I met The Duke again when he presented me with the Gold Award in 1968 in Buckingham Palace. An honour indeed.

Sincere and grateful thanks to Prince Philip. A unique individual. The world owes him a huge debt of gratitude, not least for setting up this Award Scheme.
Heartfelt condolences to the Queen and Royal Family.
Rest in Peace.