Bill Steele

I took part in the play, Julius Caesar, at my school and really enjoyed being part of the cast (albeit quite a minor part). This counted for my DofE award . It also led me to helping out at Student Shows where I met my wife - so, another great sip off . In later years we both got involved in local Am Dram activities.

Our gold award hike was a very memorable occasion, coping with a heavy late fall of snow in late April. We had to change our planned route and this being long before mobiles , no one had any idea where we were , if something had gone badly wrong. On the final day of the hike, we were again caught in a blizzard and falling into waist deep snow holes. We all pulled together and the team building exercise has stood me in good stead through my working (and volunteering ) life. It also engendered a life long love of hill walking and the natural world.

Thanks for the experience