Bhuvaneshwari Tailor
The DofE award was one of the highlights of my early life. In secondary school, I was undoubtedly going through a myriad of different experiences, feelings and emotions linked to my own personal development, and contemplating on ways to better myself as a global citizen. DofE gave me the platform at an early age in life to push and challenge myself in areas I never thought I could. The opportunity of working in a team when camping in Snowdonia and the Lake District; learning new skills and most importantly, engaging with society and different communities through service has stayed with me to this day. Not only was the DofE a tool in developing essential skills in life and work, but it importantly opened my mind to certain values and morals, which to this day has helped me in my immediate community as well as global community through the work I have previously and continuously carry out. Something I will always cherish and remember.