Bhavneeta K

I have completed Bronze and Silver and am working towards the Gold Award at the moment. Doing the award gave me an excuse to do more things and I loved it. I learnt a lot about myself - especially on the expeditions.

So many things happened on our expeditions from us forgetting our supervisors name so we called him a different name every time so we could figure (sorry Jake) it was either Jack or Jake anyway. Had a campfire with marshmallows, played with a dog at a campsite and turned a rental plate into a Frisbee which he then bit through! Walked 3km off our route, had medical emergencies, got scratched by barbed wire, saw the peaks, sat in a circle and chatted about private things while throwing a ball around and on the last day we walked with another group and got to know them. Can't forget the time someone's shoe got stuck in mud on the training day walk!

We were the best team and there's more memories to come with Gold! Doing the expedition in COVID times will be weird but lets see what happens!