Bevery Campbell

My daughter is currently (as best as Covid will allow!) carrying out her Gold Award after successfully achieving her Silver. She volunteered as a Brownie Young Leader, learned the drums and had an absolute ball on her canoeing expedition. To see her grow and flourish through the combination of her education and Duke of Edinburgh experiences has been amazing. All the more poignant, as I took part in the scheme many moons ago!! I remember my skill section involved attending a fire station regularly and learning about the fire service and fire safety!! This highlights very clearly, how relevant this scheme is and how it continues to stand the test of time. Plus, the awards night at Ayr Racecourse is always an uplifting and memorable event! I strongly believe that this award scheme transcends all social and economic barriers and actively promotes young people to become the best they can be. The Duke of Edinburgh will be sorely missed, but his forward thinking, innovative and life changing work will live on for generations to come.