Beverley Taylor-Sheil (nee Taylor)

I achieved my Gold award and accepted it from HRH Prince Philip at Buckingham Palace in 1982. What a privilege to meet the man himself - an amazing memory for myself and my mum to treasure.
The Gold award was certainly a challenge and very hard work, but the experiences, friendships and skills learned made it all worthwhile.

My lasting memory was when I was taking part in my Gold expedition . I badly injured my ankle on the 2nd day but resolved to carry on. As I approached the finishing line on the 3rd day I was in agony but could see my Dad waiting for me and I was determined to carry on and complete it. It makes you realise what you can overcome when you really try!

I want to take this opportunity to thank the Duke of Edinburgh for setting up this amazing scheme for young people and his legacy will never be forgotten. I really hope the scheme gets extended even further and that ALL young people going forwards get the opportunity to take part at some level.

I also hope that employers and universities realise the value of people gaining their award as a proof of practical skills and attributes that cannot be measured by an academic exam. Life skills gained through this award are immeasurable.