Bethane Harland

I will forever be grateful for the myriad of skills I developed through completing my Bronze, Silver and Gold DofE awards – from team-work, to unbuckling perseverance and steely determination. The process instilled in me a sense of confidence that I would not have gained were it not for the numerous challenges I faced, and overcame, along the way.

I was lucky enough to fundraise for, and eventually undertake my Gold expedition in Cevennes, France. Battling the hot days and cold nights over a week of trekking through the French mountains, guided solely by our learned orientation skills was an incredible experience, and one which I will never forget.

To add to that, I was asked to present my local awards ceremonies in both 2014 and 2015. I was lucky enough to meet inspiring people, including other award holders, the Mayor and the Queen's Representative for East Sussex, as well as present certificates, and receive my own Silver and Gold awards. It was an absolute honour to be able to give back to the process.

To anyone that asks, I will always recommend completion of the awards. Not only do I have magical experiences to treasure, but I have made lifelong friends in the process!