Benn Hitchen

My Grandfather ran the DofE at the school he taught at in Scotland, and so my Mother completed her Bronze, Silver and Gold. I inherited their love of the hills, and completed my own Silver and Gold. My Gold expedition in the French Alps was the best week of my life. It inspired me to join my University Mountaineering Club, which I duly became President of. From this I went on to do my Mountain Leader Award (Summer), and led expeditions in the UK and abroad. During the holidays I would return to my old 6th Form College and help staff their expeditions.

This experience, enthusiasm and my ML certificate had me staff a Raleigh International expedition to India during my gap year.

These experiences were the foundation to most of the answers I gave in my first job interview. That interview got me a job in Aberdeen, where I immediately called up the local council and asked where I could volunteer for the DofE Award. Within 30 minutes I was assigned to Betteridge Open Award Group in Aberdeenshire. Two months later I took on the Coordinator role and ran the group for 5 years, peaking at about 80 active participants. This brought me the greatest pleasure especially when I attended the Palace of Holyroodhouse for the award ceremony of three participants whom I had seen complete their bronze, silver and gold awards.

It was through my experiences with the DofE that I discovered my strengths, enabling me to make the most of them. More importantly I have had the honour and pleasure of inspiring future generations with that same enthusiasm I experienced in my own youth.

None of this would have ever happened if it weren't for the Duke himself.