Bekah Ridgway

DofE brings with it some of the best memories! Pooring rain and freezing temperatures are often forgotten and replaced by the endless laughs that were shared between a group of people working together! My Gold expedition was probably the hardest thing I have done, minus temperatures on Dartmoor and heavy rain every day definitely posed some challenges. However, the feeling you get when you reach each campsite and you've completed another day is one that cannot be beaten! Not only did I grow in self confidence on expeditions but the friendships that were solidified I will treasure forever, working together in tough conditions is certainly a very good bonding exercise! I have no regrets in doing all three awards as I honestly believe it has developed my ability to carry on when things are tough, whilst simultaneously showing me that it is vital to have others around you to support and cheer you on! I am so thankful for the opportunity that DofE is and I believe it will be something that lives on for many years to come.