Becki Leonard

My fondest memories are of expeditions, there was always a story to tell; getting lost and being helped by local villagers, camping in farmers sheds and best of all our expedition to Bavaria for our gold award. We met a couple at the top of a mountain in their lodge who fed us lunch as we probably looked very tired and in need of motivation to continue the expedition. Our leader Dave, I realise now being a mum, was amazing, and he looked after us, organised equipment and cleaned all the tents afterwards and let us be responsible for ourselves.
I learned skills like first aid, orienteering and car maintenance - teaching my dad to change a tyre on his car !
I volunteered for tears in various places like a library and charity shops which helped me find jobs in the future.
I still have close friends 25 years on.
Thank you to everyone involved in that journey and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh. I will remember collecting my gold award at St James Palace for a long time to come and am still very proud of reaching such standards during my younger years.