
Having seen both my siblings go through the Duke of Edinburgh Award, I always knew it was something I wanted to do. Bronze Duke of Edinburgh was a pivotal influence in improving my social anxiety; I volunteered with then-strangers, joined a football team, and formed friendships with my expedition group, in fact, it introduced me to my best friend!
Gold Duke of Edinburgh made me feel truly proud of myself. Every moment, even when challenging, was amazing. I still continue the volunteering to this day. Attending St James’ Palace was such a special day for me and for my mother, that I will not forget.
The motivation to achieve the award led to experiences that it is unlikely I would have gone for otherwise, and would have missed out on. The Duke of Edinburgh Award directly improved my anxiety, confidence, motivation, and belief in myself. It affected my outlook in a way that means I now go for opportunities, and am glad I do so. I am truly grateful to the Duke of Edinburgh.