Barbara Farmer

I started my over 30 year adventure with The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award by volunteering to supervise a Gold expedition in the Scottish highlands back in 1990. Since then I have gone on to volunteer with youth groups including young people with special needs as well as leading a large unit at Greenhead College in Huddersfield.
Having met Prince Philip on a number of presentations, his warmth and enthusiastic support has been infectious. I was lucky enough to be with my gold award holders at their presentation T Holyrood House in the summer of 2017, we were his final group at that presentation. I wish to give him my heartfelt thanks to him, the award changed my life dedicating myself to the award and the young people I have been able to help, guide and assist in the completion of their awards. Lifelong friendships are forged through the Award, and I now have gold award holders that come out on expeditions with me to help others.
May Prince Philip rest in peace, to me he was an inspiration.