Barbara Dawson

I have been retired from Huntington school in York for 10 years, where l was the first Aid Officer and a member of the support staff team. I helped to coordinate the Duke of Edinburg Award for many years and have lots of happy memories of expeditions, camping in lumpy fields, climbing the 3 peaks and helping young people reach their goal through the Award. I was lucky to have met Prince Philip on 3 occasions, but my most memorable was in 1996 at St James Palace, were l was a marshal for the North East (my youngest son James was receiving his Gold Award). We were given our orders - what to do and what not to do, then HRH came into the Picture Gallery with his entourage... l curtsied and was asked the name of our unit, l answered: Huntington School in York Sir... HRH questioned me that surely Huntingdon was in Cambridgeshire, l answered that we were Huntington- TON, not Huntingdon - DON. “Oh right” was his reply... there were some smiles amongst his entourage, but l am proud to say that was the day l put Huntington school in Yorkshire on the royal map!!
I feel privileged to have met Prince Philip and been part of such a wonderful organisation.