Barbara Davis

It was such a privilege to spend almost 40 years of my life working with both young people and adults who were involved in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Starting with group of Ranger Guides explaining to me that they had been using this ‘challenging programme to keep themselves occupied. Following on from this, I became involved with the Buckinghamshire Housewives Project - a group of ladies who were supporting all sorts of young people through their Awards. Maybe because of my love of the out of doors they could see someone who might be able to help with the expedition section. They were quite correct ! I worked my way through getting various qualifications and experience and also not just helping young people but adult leaders too. Back to this Project - after a few years of helping I had the honour to be asked to Marshall at a Gold Award presentation at Buckingham Palace. At this, His Royal Highness asked me how the Bucks Project was progressing, how many young people were taking part, how many awards was just amazing how he knew so much about this small group of people. I was quite overawed. As time progressed I continued with adults and young people at all levels, local, county and region plus working to encourage European Groups to take part in the challenge. During these years I was so fortunate in meeting HRH a few times and learnt that he needed immediate responses to questions asked! So many people both young and old owe so much to His Royal Highness for his dedication, interest, energy and enthusiasm. In one of the earliest publicity films he called The Award a ‘Do it Yourself Kit in the Art of Modern Living’ and that has not changed over all the years. To my great surprise and delight Her Majesty the Queen presented me with the MBE when I was able briefly explain to her how much, like thousands of other adults, I had personally gained from being involved in her husband's Award (corrected to HRH which amused her ). Thank