Bailey Fraser

We set off from the school and walked very far, stopping for lunch. Brogan who was in my DofE group managed to get stung by a nettle with which we put some sudocrem on, we continued on our journey until we reached the wood near Morton Castle, we go lost on our way for the first time, we took a shortcut accidently we got the camp eventually after a long tiresome walk, we set up our tent and then changed it differently towards the sunlight. Abigail ate some spam, and all had some smash I had spaghetti hoops. Jim told us how to not die at the hands of nature. we then had some more food of smores and played some Castle we were then asked to find someone who was too good at hiding for some cheese and onion crisps which we did not win. We set up for bed and Bailie slept like a starfish taking up more than half the tent. when we woke up in the morning after our well needed sleep. The tent only half waterproof was soggy and was very very cold. We ate pancakes and gingernut biscuits bundled up in the clothes, we packed up all off our belongings and set out for another day . We were walking very quickly and were second to leave we took many breaks and eventually stopped for some lunch before entering Drumlanrig Woods. The group that was close behind we could no longer here. however we trusted decisions and kept on walking however we ended up back at Drumlanrig castle after finally figuring out were to go, thanks to Brogan and many tears later we continued we meet some Pheasants and then turned into a random wood which we realised was very overgrown and we turned back around. We then had a pretty good walk stopping several times to refuel. when we finally reached the Nith bridge we knew the end was insight. We then again back some moral and made it back at school 9 hours later. (lols). DofE overall was as fun and interesting experience that we will take with us for the rest of our lives.