Ashryah Dewar

I am deeply saddened by the loss of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. He will live on in all our memories.

As a DofE Participant I volunteered at Nuneaton Gymnastics Club as a Junior Leader since 2019 until present and throughout the Lockdown when we were able to open.

During this period the gymnasts were at a disadvantage because we weren’t allowed to make physical contact or support in getting them to prefect their skills due to social distancing, so there was less guidance from us as coaches but our gymnasts were eager, enthusiastic and showed such resilience that has motivated me to get up out of bed on a Saturday morning rain or shine to be at the gym for 9am.

Some times it was challenging adhering to all the new safety guidelines and regulations. We had staff risk assessments and we had to adjust to the new COVID Restrictions and ensure we continue to provide a safe training environment to out gymnasts.

I am also a Senior Cadet at Sea Cadet Unit Nuneaton & Bedworth. Here the DofE has given me so much confidence and determination that has propelled me into the role of Cadet Representative. This role entails me to liaise with the cadets and the staff including board members and external agencies as a voice for the other young people within my unit.

During the lockdown we couldn’t clock up any boating hours, but the Sea Cadet Portal helped us to track our pathways and gain qualification by engaging virtually. I became more determined than ever to complete the Physical, Skills and Volunteering Section of Bronze Award. I’m hoping to complete the expedition session as we resume to some form of normality and thus continue to work towards the Silver Award.

I am grateful for the many opportunities that I am now able to transfer the knowledge and skills gained from the DofE as I aspire to become a voice for my peers.