
So far, I've only achieved my bronze, though I fully intend to make it to gold!

Some of my memories:
Getting hopelessly lost in a pea field
A team member managing to lose an entire bag of pasta, only for another group to realise he'd pitched his tent on it!
Struggling with an eating disorder at the time so consuming my body weight in Mars bars as part of my treatment.
Celebrating my 15th birthday on my expedition with my friends, and even a cake!
Having undercooked 'al-dente' pasta with just plain passata for our meals.
Practising cookery at school on the tranjia on a snowy morning and accidentally pouring the pasta water on the stove, extinguishing the flame!
Wearing flipflops round the muddy campsite while it lashed it down with rain and having the muddiest feet on camp!
Stirring my hot chocolate with a twig, for want of a clean spoon!
Playing Uno in the tent and lobbing the cards at each other to disrupt the award we were squabbling over for the tidiest tent.

Most importantly, DofE has shown me how far I've come. I did my practice expeditions against medical guidance, being sick with anorexia. I could barely carry the bag, let alone put it on my back and my hips were blue with bruises after the weekend. 3 years on, I'm planning an Everest expedition and DofE opened me up to a world of adventure, fun and challenge.