Anne Richards

My Mum was a Field Officer for England for D of E in 1963. She was called Margaret Ann Lane. She used to tell us stories of going on walking trips with Lord Hunt, and how Prince Philip would visit the office in Westminster where she worked. She said she always tidied her desk before he came to visit and he used to joke that she didn’t look very busy! Mum always spoke very fondly about her time working for D of E.

Not surprisingly in my teenage years in the 1980’s, Mum encouraged me to join our D of E Group at school, where I got as far as the Silver Award.

It’s was great to have positive things to work towards. I especially loved the expeditions. Before the days of mobile phones, I learned to use a map and compass, to depend on the others in our group, and developed a love of the outdoors, maps, and walking. The expeditions took me way beyond my comfort zone, and helped me grow in confidence and trust.

I am thankful for the legacy of the work of HRH Duke of Edinburgh, and for the impact he had on so many young people through the generations.