Anne Helliwell

I started the Duke of Edinburgh Award at School, achieving the Bronze Award and continued on with the Gold Award after leaving school. I carried on alongside my Nurse training and finally received the Gold Award in 1974 at Buckingham Palace. I felt very honoured to meet the Duke of Edinburgh.
The whole experience gave me confidence and determination throughout my life to achieve whatever I wanted to do.
In 1975 I married my husband and we had two children. Our son also started the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award whilst at Secondary school and beyond. Like me, he found it to be confidence-building and enjoyed the challenges and the fun that teamwork and new activities brought.
It was in 2002 at St. James Palace when I accompanied our son to attend his Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award ceremony.
When the Duke of Edinburgh came into the room, he spoke to the group of Award winners. He asked if any of them had been abroad for their Award. Our son said he'd been teaching in a school in Uganda for his residential qualification. The Duke then turned to the parents who were opposite and asked if any of us had achieved an Award. I said that I had got the Gold Award. He also asked if I was a mother. When I said yes, the Duke said with raised eyebrows,and gesticulating to the award winners " Of one of these?" Our son gave a big wave, and everyone laughed!
It was a very special time that I'll always remember.