Anita Socha

I decided to take on DofE because I thought it would be a cool little adventure and a good experience to show off to future employers. In the end it ended up being that, but also so much more. It was an opportunity, an opportunity to throw myself off the deep end to really test myself and my skills.

It was daunting and intimidating at first, after all we had to find our way to the destination mostly on our own with some hiccups on the way. But it was also exhilarating since it was basically like an adventure during which we got to test our independence and teamwork. It was basically a fun extra challenging camping trip.

The most fun aspect of this little adventure was bonding with my team. Even though I didn't know some of my team mates that well we managed to get along just fine, and with all that time alone working together we grew closer. We had a ton of fun and down right hilarious moments whilst getting lost and trying to find our way to the checkpoints. And even though the journey was a bit overwhelming at times we managed to keep going and had each others backs.

while DofE is a challenging experience that tests your physical abilities, independence and throws you out of your comfort zone. I believe that it makes it all the more worth doing because it's an experience that you can look back on in the future and say, ''If I could survive a few days of hard-core camping then I can definitely ace that driving test or get my dream job etc.'' It's ultimately an opportunity where young people can show off their strengths and improve on their weaknesses.

To finish off, I want to thank Prince Philip for creating this charity and giving teenagers like me the opportunity to take part in this fun adventure. It was a life changing experience. I also hope that DofE continues his legacy and gives many more fun memories to future participants of DofE like it did for me.

Thank you.