Andrea Garbutt

I gained my bronze, silver and gold in the days when the male and female sections differed. I belonged to the British Red Cross and was one of the first to succeed through them. Throughout the years I experienced activities and service so varied, from sailing, car maintenance, helping at disabled children’s holidays, flower arranging, electricity in the home and of course the outward bound, I cycled for my gold.

My trip to Buckingham Palace was awe inspiring, never dreaming I would meet him personally, in fact he met all 296 awardees. We had to practice curtseying and how to approach and leave him. A memory still vivid today.
I am positive the whole experience helped make me who I am today and throughout my working life. I would encourage everyone to enter the award scheme, the upper age was 21 for me so time was important, the opportunities and experiences offered today make the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme a valuable asset and an important addition to a C.V.

Thank you for the pride I feel at achieving.