Alivia Lloyd

When the bronze opportunity came up in my school I was very naive and shy. Wasn’t sure if it was something I wanted to do but I’ve always seeked adventure. I signed up with a group of my friends and 6 years later I’ve never looked back! I have completed all 3 awards and I am now a member of staff volunteering weekly at my local youth centre teaching the younger generations the life skills I learnt whilst immersing them in fun and adventure. Gold was tough, I did mine in the Welsh mountains but it was the most amazing fulfilling experience. I am forever grateful for the life skills and happiness the DofE award has brought me over the years and I can t wait to keep teaching others and see them progress. It’s all about team spirit and I couldn’t be more proud of my group and all the aspiring people I teach on a weekly basis. The best experience!

The picture uploaded was at the very end of our final gold trek. The sense of achievement was immense!