Alison Jeffery

I successfully completed my bronze, silver and gold awards through my very supporting school in Cheddar.
It has helped me to get jobs, help young people as a Scout assistant leader, helped me in my current role as a Teaching Assistant and helped me gain a true love of the outdoors.
I did my residential in Formby on a National Trust Acorn Camp - I so enjoyed it and did more camps and became a camp leader for 4 years. I met some fantastic people and still am in touch with some of them now!
My Gold Award expedition was on Dartmoor - we had such an adventure falling in bogs, having our camp invaded by cows that ate our toothbrushes we’d left in cups outside the tents and even had a police helicopter land near us to warn us someone had escaped from the Dartmoor prison and to report anything suspicious.. I was 18 (now I am 53!) when we did the expedition and the memories will always be there. I am still friends with my fellow DofE team members too!
I went to St James Palace for the presentation of my Award in 1989. My Mum was the only one who didn’t have a camera so I have no photos! My DofE leader from school was the South West group leader and the Duke asked him if any of his members were there and he said I was so then I got asked by HRH where I did my expedition and how long the award had taken. I felt honoured that he spoke to me.
I am so glad the Duke Of Edinburgh set up the scheme and so grateful to him. I hope it continues so others have the most amazing memories like I do.
Alison Jeffery (now Anderson)
Gold DofE holder.