Alison Hughes / Edwards

I started my Gold award through my local sea rangers at the age of 16, and met the Duke of Edinburgh on my 18th birthday at a local promotional event- what a birthday present- He flew in to the stadium by helicopter! Despite having some amazing adventures along the way, I failed to complete the award before going to teacher training college but aged 22, I took my first job as a PE teacher in Bradford, and soon became a volunteer for the schools' DofE group, helping out with local walks and running sporting events for the pupils to engage in as part of their physical activity section. Before long, I was in charge of the whole DofE programme in the school! I soon realised that I was running out of time to complete my own award so registered with an open gold programme and completed my expedition with a group of strangers in the Durham Fells. I next met the Duke when I went to St James' Palace to receive my Gold award. That was an awesome day, with friends and family, so exciting, but it wouldn't be the last time as I went again in 1994 accompanying several of my pupils who had completed their Gold awards. In total, over 300 girls gained Bronze, 45 Silver and 25 Gold with me! They were all given opportunities to do things they may not have otherwise, often out of their comfort zone and away from their home environments. I used to charter a whole bus and take them walking and camping in the Yorkshire Dales. Quite a sight to be seen! Many friendships were made, not to mention the memories and the pride from the parents in seeing their youngsters achieve great things. Sadly I moved out of the area and left the school in 2000, and then gave my time after to my family, to Mountain Rescue and my career with children with special needs. I am now a Headteacher, but still put a great importance in my school to individual achievement through personal interest, borne out of the principles of The DofE scheme, and giving every individual the chance to shine in their own domain.