Alice Outten

I went back to finish my Gold DofE as an adult and managed to complete it just before my 25th birthday. After not continuing during school, I was so nervous to go back as a more mature participant and especially take part in the two expeditions with a group of strangers!

However, it was one of the most amazing challenges of my life so far. I ended up being the only girl in a group of boys, I thought I'd struggle to keep up with the lads but we ended up becoming great friends and having an amazing time together! There's something about trekking through the Lake District in the pouring rain, sharing noodles and hot chocolate from a trangia, jumping in a river at the end of a sweaty hike, team-building tents in the extreme winds and learning magic tricks around the campfire that really bonds a group of young adults for life!

Over the years... Bronze, Silver and Gold DofE taught me so much about myself, helped form new friendships and most of all made me feel so, so proud of myself!

Ps, I have included an image of our group after arriving at the campsite following an exhausting and VERY wet day of walking. I think every single DofE participant who had bad weather during their expeditions will be able to relate with the blisters, bruises and soggy rucksacks will be able to resonate with this picture, a picture of pure pain, tiredness but mostly relief!