Ali Jackson

I completed my Bronze Award in 2014 as part of a school event. The expedition was an experience I'll never forget. On our first night, I remember playing cards after a somewhat successful dinner and then getting woken up at 3am by foxes having a fight. By the end of the hike we were so exhausted we had slowed to almost a crawl, but when the DofE Centre was in sight we had a sudden burst of energy and ignoring the heavy backpack, sprinted towards the end. We congratulated each other, collapsed on the grass and laid there for an hour.
Now, I've started my Gold Award in the midst of lock down. Since starting it, I had re-discovered my passion for swimming and piano, both of which I had severely neglected along with a new passion for gardening and wildlife.
The DofE Award has given me the confidence to try new things and really make the most of life. I'll certainly keep this up now.