Alaric Morris

I have many memories on DofE, but the one I distinctly remember most of all is getting to the campsite on my bronze qualifying expedition Late! It was already dark and freezing cold. We got straight to putting up out tent when we realised, we had the wrong poles! This was an experience as one of the leaders had to drive and get us the proper poles. Finally, once the tent was up, me and my friends got in. It was so cold and I was freezing, but I remember my friend helping me. The second day was also memorable as we were determined to do better. We got up early and set out before the other groups and just kept going. I distinctly remember one of my friends not letting us have a break at some points but that wasn't a problem. Luckily it was a pleasant day for walking! This meant that we were able to get to the lunch site early and the instructors were impressed. I really enjoyed that. Walking through the woodland with my friends was memorable for me! We quickly had lunch and marched on! Surprisingly, we were the first group to finish which was really nice, however, the other group had got lost and was an hour late. This was not ideal as one person in the other group was giving us a lift back.

To conclude, I would highly recommend doing DofE, especially with friends as even in the worst times and the worst weather, you can have a great time and create many happy memories!