
I will never forget the training expedition and the real one. The training one was hard - I’m not going to lie - there was rain, it was cold, we got lost so bad that we had to call someone to help us. One of my friends has a knee condition and it started playing up badly, but our instructor was so good and took her backpack from her because she said she still wanted to finish the walk with us. She was so resilient. We learnt a lot from the training one (don’t pull your jumper sleeves past your coat ones if it’s raining as this will cause your jumper to absorb the rain and even when it stopped raining your jumper sleeves will still absorb the water up them) that the real expedition didn’t feel as bad; it was definitely more enjoyable. We laughed SO much at times and we did a vlog. I remember one time when we met our instructor to cross a busy road he asked us how we were doing and one of my friends said: “It just went up and down and up and down again!” And our instructor said: “You literally just defined a hill.” It was hilarious. We also walked past this lake at one point and it was so beautiful so we asked someone to take a picture of us - fully backpacked and everything. I look back on the expedition as something that was so fun and enjoyable. Don’t get me wrong, there were a few hard times, like getting lost and one of my friends getting a bad nosebleed (nothing we couldn’t handle though), but those seemed smaller over the two days and as we continued. Everyone made sure to keep morale high and we laughed a lot, especially when filing the vlog. Let’s just say we didn’t use all of the footage in our PowerPoint once we’d finished.