Aimee Milne

In high school I decided to take part in DOFE because it was a great opportunity to learn new skills and bond with more people. The final expedition was so fun and my team helped each other all the way unfortunately I was sick and had to be sent home before I was able to finish the expedition, but this did not stop me as I went to a different group and completed my Bronze DOFE a few months later. I didn’t want to give up because I was so determined to complete it and not fail. DOFE made me want to do my best and keep going no matter how much I thought about giving up. I am so thankful for the opportunity and It is a memory I will never forget, I mean who is going to forget they were sick in a river and had to redo an expedition! All of my friends make jokes about it now and I’m glad I made their experience funny. I learnt so many new skills such as reading a compass and a map, I went to cooks club and learnt different meals to cook and I volunteered at a kids club which was so much fun! So thank you so much for the amazing memories!!