Dawn Young

I completed my Gold Award many years ago and it was a period of my life I will never forget. I had the chance to explore many new areas of life, make life long friends and always have a story or two for my little girls today.

I went on to become a youth worker as a result of doing my awards and queens scout award too - I support many young people reach their full potential and I'm always pushing them to try new things and develop.

Part of my role is running youth provision for young people with additional needs and I've made the D of E award part of this as often they would not have the chance or support to progress through the awards.

I often talk to my young children about the award and say how exciting it will be for them once they are old enough.

I owe a lot to the award - its helped shape who I am today and has given me the passion and care to help others and enable them to succeed in life.

I met the late Duke of Edinburgh during my gold award ceremony all those years ago - memories I will cherish for a very long time.