Brandon Wilkes

I have learnt so much by completing my DofE Gold Award whilst on my Apprenticeship at Aston Martin, such as increasing my skills knowledge by helping create my own mobile game using the Unity game engine and the C# programming language, where it is now available to download on the google play store now (Prospector). I also volunteered for a charity organization called CodeYourFuture where I mentored a group of disadvantaged adults on both technical web development skills as well as soft skills and a focus on employability skills and was something new to me as I had never mentored a group on that kind of level before. For my residential, I got to go sailing on the south coast of England with the Ocean Youth Trust which was also a new experience as I had never even been on a boat before! The expedition was by far the most challenging but the most rewarding experience of the DofE award as we did this in the Brecon Beacons located in South Wales and got to climb Pen Y Fan (tallest point in South Wales). I learnt about how to the importance of teamwork and to never give up even when things get tough! It was also an opportunity to get to know some my colleagues that I don't usually work with a lot better and to make a lot of new friends that I didn't have before. Overall I am really glad I got to to complete the DofE Gold Award and the skills that I have learned from this, whether it be mentoring, teamwork or some of the more technical skills will help me in my career moving forward.